Immersive scenography

Follow the work of the painter. In an immersive exhibition, experience like never before the emotions captured by the impressionist touch, under the pen of its master.

An exhibition that captures the nuances and transports you from the first touches to the exultation of Claude Monet's art. Observe and feel the artist’s pictorial ingenuity, transported to a dimension that positions you as a spectator of his journey.

An unprecedented study carried out for the Rmn-GP, which aims to develop the immersion of cultural places. And for this first, a journey, to live the work of Monet.

An artist who combines full immersion, through the emotional vector and the very measure of his works. The spectacular expresses itself by transcending points of view, to let express the intention and the common thread around the artist’s experience. A development that allows to retrace the history of the painter, his achievements, and to offer the observer the possibility of observing/feeling why his work has revolutionized the very definition of art since his first performances at the World Fair.

An approach that rises up to the end of the tour, restoring the measure of his works, both through his ability to pictorially translate notions of language and the relationships of scale that bring to an end even the spectacular.

The exhibition thus plays the game of using the same languages as the artist: translate, feel, awaken to the detail of the moment to go in search of meaning.

general plan

Feeling Impressionism, from scale to movement

Feel the atmosphere, with the eyes of the father of impressionism.

The first work, « soleil levant » in relation to real scale, meets its first expressive suite « soleil couchant » in all details and nuances. Masterful, a first crossing into perspectives that invites us to grasp each emotion driven by the pictorial touch.

Spectacular excess, in the imprint of time and its nuances

Noise, silence, and emotions

Impressive dynamic mappings accompanied by sound atmospheres share the impressive dimension of the works, immersing the visitor in Claude Monet's work and making him feel the sensory imprint of life in the 19th century. Here again, spatial duality reinforces the incredible expression of the painter's work.

Space transformation, sensory impressions

The time of the series

The atmosphere joins the impressive character, both in size and detail, translated to their complete expression. This leads to an escape from the route that gives rise to numerous series, conducive to immersive transitions, then leading to the revelation of a work that reaches spectacular scales, even at real size.

Project information

    • Authors (study/stage concept, design, storytelling, artwork):

    • 2018 - 2makesense SAS - François Amri

    • On behalf of :

    • The Rmn-GP

  • KSB @The Extraordinary Factory 2018
    at the Grand-Palais
    Interactive experiences
  • Staples - JPG
    mail order & e-commerce
  • IntuiConnect
    1st cloud dedicated to facilitating valorization and digital enhancement, as well as innovative designs.